M.S., Environmental Science, University of North Carolina, 1999
Carolina Business Institute, Summer 1997
B.S.P.H., Environmental Science, University of North Carolina, 1997
Professional Experience
September 2017 – Present: Executive Director of The Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium
2002 – 2017: Senior Research Associate at the Center for Environmental Modeling for Policy Development, University of North Carolina Institute for the Environment
1999 – 2002: Environmental Scientist at the North Carolina Supercomputing Center, Microelectronics Center of North Carolina, Research Triangle Park, NC
American Geophysical Union
Air & Waste Management Association
- Emissions and air quality modeling
- Long-range transport of air pollution
- Multi-pollutant cost-benefit analysis
- Data visualization
- Science communication and education
Zhang, Yuqiang, J. H. Bowden, Z. Adelman, V. Naik, L. W. Horowitz, S. J. Smith, J.J. West, 2016: Co-benefits of global and regional greenhouse gas mitigation on U.S. air quality in 2050. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 9533-9548.
Silva, R.A., Z. Adelman, M. Fry, J. West, 2016: The impact of individual anthropogenic emissions sectors on the global burden of human mortality due to ambient air pollution. Environmental Health Perspectives, 124: 1776-1784.
Ran, L., Loughlin, D. H., Yang, D., Adelman, Z., Baek, B. H., Nolte, C. G., 2015: ESP v2.0: enhanced method for exploring emission impacts of future scenarios in the United States – addressing spatial allocation, Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 1775-1787.
West, J.J., S. Smith, R. Silva, V. Naik, Y. Zhang, Z. Adelman, M.M. Fry, S. Anenberg, L.W. Horowitz, J-F. Lamarque (2013) Co-Benefits of Mitigating Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Future Air Quality and Human Health, Nature Climate Change, 3, 885-889, doi:10.1038/ncclimate2009.
Fry, M. M., M. D. Schwarzkopf, Z. Adelman, and J. J. West (2014) Air quality and radiative forcing impacts of volatile organic compound emissions from ten world regions, Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, 14, 523-535, doi: 10.5194/acpd-14-523-2014
Fry, M.M., M.D. Schwarzkopf, Z. Adelman, V. Naik, W.J. Collins, J.J West (2013) Net Radiative Forcing and Air Quality Responses to Regional CO Emissions Reductions, Atm. Chem. Phys., 13, 5381-5399, doi:10.5194:acp-13-5381-2013.
Aneja, V. P., A. Aiyyer, A. Hanna, U. Shankar, Z. Adelman, S. Arunachalam, S. T. Rao, R. Mathur, J.D. Mobley, V. Ramaswamy, V.M. Krishna, V. Manickam, M.P. Singh, J. Biswas and E. Upadhyay (2012) U.S.-India Collaboration on Air Quality and Climate Research and Education, Environmental Manager, Publication Date (Web): 01 Mar 2012.
Woody, M., Baek, B.H., Adelman, Z., Omary, M., Lam, Y-F., West, J.J., Arunachalam, S. 2011. An Assessment of Aviation’s Contribution to Current and Future Fine Particulate Matter in the United States, Atmospheric Environment, 45(20):3424-3433.
Rodriguez, M.A., M.G. Barna, K.A. Gephart, J.L. Hand, Z.E. Adelman, B.A. Schichtel, J.L. Collett, W.C. Malm, 2011: Modeling the Fate of Atmospheric Reduced Nitrogen During the Rocky Mountain Atmospheric Nitrogen and Sulfur Study (RoMANS): Performance Evaluationa and Diagnosis Using Integrated Process Rate Analysis. Atmospheric Environment, 45, 223-234.
Binkowski, F.S., S. Arunachalam, Z. Adelman, and J.P. Pinto, 2007: Examining
Photolysis Rates with a Prototype Online Photolysis Module in CMAQ. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 46, 1252–1256
Shankar, U., D. McKenzie, J. H. Bowden, K. Talgo, L. Ran, B.H. Baek, Z. Adelman, A. Xiu, M. Omary, E. A. Adams, and D. Yang, 2015: Reconciling scales for modeling the effects of climate change on wildfire. Presented at the American Geophysical Union 2015 Joint Assembly, Montreal, Canada, May 3-7, 2015.
Adelman Z., et al., “Recent updates to spatial surrogates for modeling U.S. emissions sources”, Presented at the 21st International Emission Inventory Conference, April 14-16, 2015 – San Diego, CA.
Adelman, Z., Omary, M., Yang, D., “Air Pollutant Emissions Modeling and Analysis for the Three-State Air Quality Study”, Presented at the 21st International Emission Inventory Conference, April 14-16, 2015 – San Diego, CA.
De Souza, L, Z. Adelman, N.O. Moraes, R.M. Da Silva, L. Landau, L. Pimentel, 2011: Initial Application of the MM5-MEGAN-SMOKE-CMAQ System for Simulating Air Quality in Brazil, Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA., December 2011.
Adelman, Z., M. Fry, J.J West, P. Dolwick, C. Jang, 2011: Background Air Quality in the United States Under Current and Future Emissions Scenarios, Presented at the 10th Annual CMAS Conference, Chapel Hill, NC., October 2011.
Fry, M., Z. Adelman, J.J West, P. Dolwick, C. Jang, 2011: Global and regional air quality responses to regional CO and NMVOC reductions, Presented at the 10th Annual CMAS Conference, Chapel Hill, NC., October 2011.
Adelman, Z.., J. Boylan, M. Omary, Q. He, J. Zhao, D. Yang, 2011: A Detailed Approach for Improving Continuous Emissions Monitoring Data for Regulatory Air Quality Modeling, Presented at the 10th Annual CMAS Conference, Chapel Hill, NC., October 2011.
Silva, R., Z. Adelman, M. Fry, S. Anenberg, J.J. West, 2011: The contribution of anthropogenic emissions sectors to the global burden of human mortality due to ozone and particulate matter air pollution, Presented at the 10th Annual CMAS Conference, Chapel Hill, NC., October 2011.
Werner, C., B.H. Baek, M. Omary, Z. Adelman, S. Arunachalam, J.J. West, 2011: U.S. Air Quality Impacts of Nationwide Extension of the California Air Resources Board (CARB) In-Use Off-road Diesel Vehicle Regulations, Presented at the 10th Annual CMAS Conference, Chapel Hill, NC., October 2011.
Xiu, A., Z. Adelman, F. Binkowski, A. Hanna, R. Mathur, J. Pleim, D. Wong. 2011: Comparison of the CAM and RRTMG radiation schemes and their impacts on air quality and regional climate applications, Presented at the 10th Annual CMAS Conference, Chapel Hill, NC., October 2011.
Boulton, W., J. Lundgren, R. Barrowcliffe, M. Gauthier, Z. Adelman, S. Arunachalam, A. Xiu, M. Omary, 2011: Impacts of Proposed Oil Exploration on Near Surface Ozone Concentration in the Caspian Sea Region, Presented at the 10th Annual CMAS Conference, Chapel Hill, NC., October 2011.
Adelman, Z.., G. Arora, B.H. Baek, M. Houyoux, A. Eyth, M. Strum, 2010: Development and Preliminary Results for a Residential Wood Combustion Emissions Model, Presented at the 19th International Emissions Inventory Conference, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Sept. 27-30, 2010, San Antonio, TX.
Adelman Z., 2009: Overview of Meteorology, Emissions, and Air Quality Modeling. Presented at the 3rd International Engineering Seminar, National University of Colombia, June 16 – July 10, 2009, Bogota, Colombia.
Arunachalam, S., U. Shankar, Z. Adelman, A. Xiu, N. Davis, L. Adams, B. Wang, M. Yoshitomi, and A. Hanna (2009a): Multipollutant Modeling for the Middle East – An Initial Assessment of Outdoor Air Quality in the U.A.E., Presented at the 9th Annual CMAS Conference, Chapel Hill, NC, October 2009.
Arunachalam, S., M. Woody, B.H. Baek, Z. Adelman, M. Omary, S. Wu and Y.F. Lam (2009c): An Investigation of the Impacts of Aviation Emissions on Future Air Quality, Presented at the 9th Annual CMAS Conference, Chapel Hill, NC, October 2009.
Silva De Souza, L., Adelman, Z., Landau, L., Pimentel, L., 2009: Creating an Emissions Modeling Framework for Studying Air Quality in Brazil with the System MM5-SMOKE-CMAQ: The Scenario of Different Datasets. Presented at the 2009 GEIA-ACCENT Open Conference, October 26-28, 2009, Oslo, Norway.
Adelman Z, M. Omary, L. Ran, U. Shankar, D. Streets, 2009: Developing Emissions for Multipollutant Air Quality Modeling in the Middle East. Presented at the 18th International Emissions Inventory Conference, United States Environmental Protection Agency, April 14-16, 2009., Baltimore, MD.
Adelman, Z., L. Ran, A. Zubrow, and T. Sfetsos, 2008: Converting Gridded Inventories to ORL Format for Processing with SMOKE. Presented at the 17th International Emissions Inventory Conference, United States Environmental Protection Agency, June 2-5, 2008, Portland, OR.
Adelman, Z., C. Seppanen, and F. Binkowski, 2005: Modeling In-Flight Aircraft Emissions. Presented at the 14th International Emissions Inventory Conference, United States Environmental Protection Agency, April 11-14, 2005, Las Vegas, NV.
Adelman, Z. Emissions Modeling Quality Assurance Protocol, Presented at and in Proceedings of the 13th Annual Emissions Inventory Conference: Clean Air in Clearwater, Clearwater Beach, FL, June, 2004.
Adelman, Z., R. Imhoff, A. Hanna, M. Houyoux, A. Eyth, R. Mathur, K. Hanisak. The Community Modeling and Analysis System (CMAS) Center as a Resource for Supporting Models-3. Presented at The 13th Annual Emissions Inventory Conference: Applying New Technologies, San Diego, CA, April, 2003.
Arunachalam, S., Z. Adelman, R. Mathur, and J. Vukovich. The Impacts of Biogenic Emissions Estimates from BEIS-3 on Ozone Modeling in the Southeastern US, In Proceedings of the 11th Annual Emissions Inventory Conference: Emission Inventories – Partnering for the Future, Atlanta, GA, April 2002.
Arunachalam, S., Z. Adelman, K. Hanisak, A. Holland, and R. Mathur. Estimating Future-Year Ozone Design Values with Two Regional-Scale Modeling Systems in North Carolina, In Proceedings of the 95th Annual Meeting of the Air and Waste Management Association, Baltimore, MD, June 2002.
Arunachalam, S., Z. Adelman, R. Mathur, D. Olerud, Jr., and A. Holland. A Comparison of the Models-3/CMAQ and MAQSIP Modeling Systems for Ozone Modeling in North Carolina, In Proceedings of the 94th Annual Meeting of the Air and Waste Management Association, Orlando, FL, June 2001.
Adelman, Z. and M. Houyoux. Processing the National Emissions Inventory 96 (NEI96) version 3.11 with SMOKE. Presented at the Emission Inventory Conference: One Atmosphere, One Inventory, Many Challenges, Denver, CO, May, 2001
Houyoux, M. R. and Z. Adelman. Quality Assurance Enhancements to the SMOKE Modeling System. Presented at The Emission Inventory Conference: One Atmosphere, One Inventory, Many Challenges, Denver, CO, May, 2001.