LADCO Online Learning Center

LADCO hosts and co-sponsors webinars and online learning courses to help our members stay informed about advances in air pollution science and technology. Archives of recorded webinars and online courses are available on this page. Check our training calendar for upcoming online learning events.


March 20, 2019 EPRI Great Lakes Ozone Study

Richard McNider (U. Alabama at Huntsville) and Talat Odman (Georgia Tech)

Dr. Dick McNider of UAH presents his team’s work on improving WRF meteorology simulations over Lake Michigan. The purpose of their research was to optimize WRF for driving regional air quality model simulations. His analysis focuses on maximizing the skill of the model in simulating boundary layer dynamics over the lake. Dr. Talat Odman of Georgia Tech presents work on evaluating and improving CMAQ regional air quality model ozone simulations over Lake Michigan. He presents the results of a series of modeling experiments to test the model response to changes in emissions, photochemical mechanism, and ozone deposition rates.

Download Slides
Assessing the Meteorological Aspects of High Ozone Over Lake Michigan (McNider et al., 2019)
Improving Ozone Simulations in the Great Lakes Region: The Role of Emissions, Chemistry, and Dry Deposition (Odman et al., 2019)