The Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium (LADCO) is a nonprofit air quality research and planning organization. Known as a Multi-Jurisdictional Organization (MJO), LADCO works with federal, state, tribal, and local air agencies to improve air quality in the Great Lakes region. LADCO membership includes state air agencies for: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin. Learn more about some of the services that we provide below and by visiting the About Us section of the website.
LADCO: Air Directors Call
LADCO: Air Directors Call
We coordinate classroom trainings, webinars, and workshops for state air agency staff. These opportunities help to ensure that our state air planners have the necessary information and skills to understand and address air quality issues in the region.
We provide technical air quality support to our member states by performing regional air quality model simulations. We use these models to both understand the causes of air pollution in the region and to explore air pollution mitigation strategies.
Our analyses of observed air pollution and weather trends allow our member states to track their emissions reduction programs, show compliance with regulations, and explore feedbacks between regional climate and air pollution.
We use computer models to simulate and forecast the air pollution emissions from natural and man-made sources. Our emissions forecasts are used by our states to test different control strategies and to demonstrate progress towards meeting their clean air goals.
4415 West Harrison St., Ste 548
Hillside, IL 60162