LADCO Ozone TSD – 2015 O3 NAAQS Moderate Area Attainment Demonstration

LADCO prepared this Technical Support Document (TSD) to support the development of attainment demonstration state implementation plans (SIPs) for 2015 ozone (O3) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) moderate nonattainment areas (NAAs). The TSD includes an ozone trends analysis, air quality modeling platform description, base and future year emissions summary, chemical transport modeling evaluation, attainment testing, and source apportionment analysis. LADCO presents in this TSD modeling and analysis results for a 2016 base year projected to 2023.

TSD Documents

LADCO Moderate NAA 2015 O3 NAAQS TSD (12 MB; PDF)

Supplemental Materials (2 MB; PDF)

Response to Comments (PDF)

Supporting Materials

2016 and 2023 emissions tables (43 MB; XLSX)

SMAT-CE 2023 attainment test results (19.5 MB; XLSX)

CAMx APCA source apportionment modeling results (8 MB; XLSX)

CAMx daily maximum concentration tile plots: 2016 | 2023

CAMx model performance evaluation plots

2016 CAMx APCA receptor plots (tracer contributions at monitors): Geographic Tracers | Sector Tracers

2016 CAMx APCA geographic region daily maximum tracer footprint plots: CONUS Domain | LADCO Region

2016 CAMx APCA inventory sector daily maximum tracer footprint plots: CONUS Domain | LADCO Region

Emissions tile plots: 2016 | 2023

LADCO 2016 WRF Modeling