LADCO Regional Air Quality Meeting
April 15, 2019 Rosemont, IL

Meeting Website

Every 2-3 years LADCO hosts an air quality meeting for stakeholders in the region to learn about recent work by LADCO, our member states, and EPA on air pollution research and policy.  These meetings provide an opportunity for the air pollution stakeholders in our region to interface directly with the technical and regulatory air quality agencies in the LADCO region.  We’ve timed these meetings to roughly coincide with significant regulatory actions or deadlines.  With a few significant air pollution regulatory issues at hand, we think that Spring 2019 is the right time to have the next LADCO Region Air Quality Meeting.

Who are air pollution stakeholders?

The air pollution stakeholders who have attended these meetings in the past include:

  • Industry: electricity, automotive, solvents, manufacturing, and other industries with air emissions activities
  • Health: public and respiratory health agencies
  • Environment: environmental research and advocacy organizations
  • Regulation & Enforcement: government agencies tasked with developing and enforcing environmental regulations
  • Research: organizations working to improve understanding of the causes of and solutions to air pollution
  • Consulting & Legal: firms providing support to the regulated or regulatory air quality communities on technical and policy issues

Why is the timing right for another meeting?

The recent regulatory issues that warrant another meeting include:

  • EPA finalized the designations of non-attainment areas for the 2015 ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) in 2018
  • States submitted to EPA their “Good Neighbor” SIPs for the 2015 ozone NAAQS in October 2018
  • EPA will reclassify from moderate to severe the Chicago and Sheboygan 2008 ozone NAAQS nonattainment areas in early 2019
  • The second regional haze planning period is underway with LADCO and our member states working towards an July 2021 SIP deadline

Additional Details

Details of the meeting, including the agenda, attendees, and travel logistics will be made available on the LADCO Regional Air Quality Meeting Spring 2019 webpage.

About Author

Zac is LADCO's Executive Director. He's an environmental scientist with 20+ years experience in emissions and air quality modeling.