Introduction to Air Quality Modeling (AQM 101)
This 1.5 hour webinar is designed to introduce state air agency staff to regional scale air quality modeling. The course will review the conceptual framework of regional air quality modeling, explore the data flows, analysis, and limitations of the models.
The next AQM 101 webinar in the LADCO region is scheduled for December 20, 2018 @ 2:00-3:30 Central. Please contact the LADCO Office Manager if you’re interested in attending.
Course objectives
This course will introduce students to photochemical grid modeling (PGM) and analysis. The different components of the PGM system, including meteorology, initial/boundary conditions, emissions, and chemistry-transport modeling will be explored through their relationships to estimating ground level air pollution concentrations. The key technical components of the PGM chemistry-transport model will be discussed in the context of the continuity equation, which is the fundamental governing equation of these models.
The input/output data flows, including how to generate or download data, data formats, and how to analyze the data will be discussed. Accessing, building, and running PGM software, and PGM analysis tools, will give the course participants a sense of the effort required to conduct modeling and analysis on their own. Finally the webinar will describe the limitations of PGMs and future directions for PGM development.
At the end of this webinar, the participants will have an understanding of the purpose of PGMs, how they work, what they can and can’t be used for, and what is involved in conducting modeling and analysis.
The course will be taught as a 1.5 hour webinar. LADCO will host and present the webinar, with the last 15 minutes reserved for interactive discussion and Q&A.
AQM 101 Classroom Syllabus
Topic |
Introduction, Jargon, and Charge Questions |
Purpose of Photochemical Grid Modeling |
PGM Components |
The Continuity Equation |
Input/Output and Data Flows |
Data Formats |
Data and Software Access |
Operational Details of PGMs |
Analysis Techniques and Tools |
Model Performance Evaluation |
Limitations and Future Directions |
Interactive Discussion |
Bibliography |
Course Materials
December 2018 Air Quality Modeling 101 Slides
December 20, 2018 Webinar